Froggy Gear

REPTI ZOO 30 gallon Terrarium

This glass terrarium is what we keep breeding pairs in. It’s relatively quick to setup and most importantly, well built. It has a waterproof base which holds a good several inches of water, preventing leaks.

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Temperature Gun

A laser thermal gun is an indispensable part of frog husbandry! Simply point and click on any surface to know how warm or cold it is.

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Repashy Grub Pie

Ideal formulated feed for juvenile and adult frogs, it is a gel food you can feed using tongs.

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Bug Duster Vitamin Blend

Contains Vitamin D and calcium to promote strong bones and prevent deficiencies.

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Tadpole Gear

Repashy Soilent Green

Tadpoles eagerly eat this up. Rich in spirulina algae, it is a great diet for them.

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Tetra Whisper Filter

The carbon cartridges help to keep the odor down and the water flow keeps the water higher in oxygen.

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Zoo Med Floating Cork Bark Flats

We use these to help tadpoles during their transition from water to land. The bark floats and provides a secure surface for froglet gripping.

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